Thursday 9 May 2019


Once Upon a Deadpool is a non-R rated remake of Deadpool 2. It effectively just dials back the blood and gore and swearing and instead changes its premise a bit. Instead of just a straight up movie, it is instead set akin to the Princess Bride, with Deadpool telling it to Fred Savage.

Deadpool 2 is the story of Cable, coming back through time. He wants to kill a kid (Russell) who will grow up to kill his family. Along the way, he runs into Deadpool who wants to protect the kid. Despite Deadpool treating allot of things like a joke, he never comes across as a joke. In addition, they are able to play with the new storytelling device to insert extra humour in areas.

Once Upon a Deadpool is as entertaining to watch as Deadpool 2. The acting and the jokes are great, the reveals are good, and it is a good superhero story. That being said, if you have watched Deadpool 2 then it doesn't add enough new things to make it worthwhile to watch again (unless you want to see Deadpool 2 again, in which case having things slightly different makes it feel a bit fresher).

That is probably the biggest criticism of Once Upon a Deadpool. Its reasons for existing are questionable. If people weren't going to watch it because of the tone and vulgarity, it doesn't remove enough of that to make it worthwhile. Otherwise you have already seen it. However, taken in  vacuum, it is still a very good movie.

4 out of 5 bloody waffles. 

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