Thursday 30 May 2019


Detective Pikachu is a live action Pokemon movie that is based on a spin-off Pokemon game from a few years ago. Starring Ryan Reynolds as the voice of Pikachu, the movie is set in a world where Pokemon exist and occupy the world alongside human protagonists. 

The movie follows Tim, an insurance broker. He gets a call telling him that his father is dead. Travelling to Ryme City, he meets Lucy (a reporter) and a Pikachu (who he can understand) who has amnesia and used to be Harry's partner. They then try to unravel the mystery surrounding what happened with Harry.

For the most part, this movie works. It is a joy to watch the Pokemon walking around and interacting with the world. The plot-device that is Ryme City (where there are no battles or pokeballs) means that there is a reason for the Pokemon not to be constantly in battles or pokeballs and lets them interact with the characters allot more.

The downsides are few, but significant. The first is that this is a children's movie (or for those familiar with Pokemon), which means that those who are not familiar (i.e. parents) will find limited enjoyment. Also as a product of this is the plot is fairly predictable, with twists that can be seen coming a mile away.

Perhaps more significant is that the main characters don't really work. Tim and Lucy often feel like they are under-acting allot of scenes that should be emotional. They just don't feel like they really quite have the range to jump between all the tones the movie tries to touch on and make it feel natural.

But more significant is Pikachu (Ryan Reynolds). They simply made the character too snarky. The character is too much like Deadpool, making meta jokes when the situation is trying to be dramatic. Cracking jokes about climate change while they are struggling for their lives completely breaks the mood. It feels like most of these were studio-mandated jokes because, hey Deadpool made money.

So that is it overall. A nice movie but it keeps being brought short by the characters and plot. But if you like Pokemon, you will enjoy seeing them in live action.

2 out of 5 detective waffles. 

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