Wednesday 6 June 2018


So the third season of Trollhunter has come around. After an enjoyable first two seasons and a nice cliffhanger for the future, this season had allot to live up to. And if I could think of one word to describe this season, I would say- rushed. 

This season felt rushed. From rushed reveals and resolutions to simply dropping plot threads that weren’t convenient, this didn’t feel like the epic ending to (at least) this chapter of Trollhunter. 

There are big changes to the status quo, but outside of one big choice, everything else felt very one-dimensional. It almost feels like he creators were getting bored of the premise and decided to rush through ththe ending to work on other projects. The best way to describe it is serviceable. 

The animation is still good, mostly. The voice acting was very hit and miss. There were several key scenes where the voice acting sounded painfully flat and devoid of emotion. Once again, it is towards he back end of the season, increasing the impression of just rushing through it. 

At he end of the day, this season is serviceable. It is a drop in standards from the first two seasons and feels rushed out. Read the wiki to get the major story points and save the time. 

1.5 out of 5 hunted waffles. 

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