Saturday 23 June 2018


Heroes Wanted is a Spanish movie about a bunch of unlikely heroes. A bunch of ordinary-type people have to come together to save the day. 

The basic story of a bunch of people that aren’t expected to be heroes. They are 5 different people from various parts of Spain that are he last ditch attempt to form a squad to steal a weapons back from a bunch of terrrorists. 

The issue is the movie brings nothing new to the genre. And every funny moment that it manages to pull off is underline but predictable plot twists or a failed attempt at some slapstick comedy. 

Then you add to this the generally cringeworthy moments such as sexism, racism, and homophobia that is attempted for laughs but falls flat. Or the main characters predictable get-the-girl become-the-best arc and this is definitely a miss. 

One out of Five Spanish Waffles. 

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