Friday 25 May 2018


So Kingdomino is a game by Blue Orange. After Photosynthesis, a game I enjoy immensely, does this game continue its tradition.  The answer is yes and no. 

Kingdomino uses domino style mechanics. On your turn, you draft tiles. The tricks are that you want big areas and also crowns, as these are points multipliers. However I said plural, because the better your tile, the worse position you are in turn order next round. 

Kingdomino definitely is in the filler category of games. It has a couple of rules, plays quickly, and you can easily play several quick games in a row. It also has enough choices and depth to make it fell fulfilling, like Splendor or similar games. 

The main reason that it fails is that there is not enough depth after repeat plays. After a few games, you are left feeling like each game play similar. I am not sure about Queendomino, but maybe something like goal cards or a global rule change (similar to Sagrada or Kokodo) would work well to keep the game a bit fresher. 

So there it is. It is a good game. However, it could’ve been a great game with a bit more in box variety. Blue Orange have a hit, but it falls a bit below those evergreen games that are available at the moment. 

3.5 out of 5 falling waffles. 

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