Friday 4 May 2018


Wild Card is a Jason Statham action movie. That should tell you all you need to know about the movie right there. Set in Las Vegas, this follows Jason Statham as a brute for hire throughout a little adventure.

In this movie, Jason Statham is a hard-nosed bodyguard. It starts by spending far too long on a scene where he pretends to be beaten up so a guy can impress his lady. It then jumps around to him being hired as a bodyguard for a rich boy hitting Vegas, but then goes on a tangent where he takes revenge for his friend being raped.

There are allot of plot threads competing here. Unfortunately, the movie wastes allot of time on pointless threads with no payoff. The man impressing his wife, the man needing a guard in Vegas- both contribute nothing to the plot.

Add to this that the main storyline seems to end in a wimper rather than any sort of meaningful showdown, the movie ends up feeling flat. It almost feels like it was a pilot for a television series about a bodyguards adventures with the high rollers and lowlife of Vegas. The movie feels incomplete as a standalone movie.

So this is a typical Jason Statham movie without any of the big payoffs movies like Transporter have. It ends up feeling like a disappointing movie that has far too many loose plot threads and pointless diversions. Maybe it was trying to make a meta-point about Vegas.

1.5 out of 5 Wild Waffles.

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