Sunday 13 May 2018


Revolt is a 2017 film about an alien invasion. However, similar to some other films, it instead focuses on the aftermath rather than the initial invasion. Well kind-of-sort-of at least. Instead, it feels like a dull movie moving through some set-pieces.

It starts off as an alien invasion happens. Then, you are following ex-soldier turned amnesiac and a foreign aid doctor as they move through the Kenyan wilderness. While following this, they are accosted by poachers, gangs, aliens, etc. 

It seems as if the director just wanted to move through certain set-pieces rather than putting together a well-told story. It is slow paced so that it doesn't feel like a binge-watch guilty pleasure. The biggest part this comes to the forefront is when a photographer gets introduced only to be spouting exposition-filled dialogue.

And that is its problem. It just keeps seeming to jump across set pieces and exposition. The pace is way off for a B-movie binge, and the movie isn't good enough to say anything particularly compelling. This movie is a hard miss.

1 out of 5 revolting waffles.

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