Friday 9 August 2013


GHOSTED #1 is a promising new comic series from Image Comics.It's a fun take on the old heist story. This comic is best described as Ocean's Eleven meets ghost hunting.We meet our Danny Ocean stand-in Jackson T. Winters in prison. Here, we are given a look at how Jackson livies day-to-day as an inmate in prison. As soon as we get comfortable with our surroundings, however, writer Joshua Williamson jumps the reader right into the plot. Jackson’s prison term ends when he is being broken out by a gun-toting blonde bombshell but, of course, there is a catch.

 In return for his rescue, Jackson has to help eccentric moneybags Markus Schrecken add something to his ever-growing collection of oddities: a ghost.Jackson is initially sceptical of this task but, after a bitch slap by Schrecken, he heads off to assemble his team of skilled misfits. True to the old heist stories, each member of his team have a specific skill set, which will no doubt come in handy later. Then it’s off to the haunted house, in this case Trask Mansion, where hundreds of people have died in the past, with the hopes of finding one of the elusive spirits. The back story behind the Trask family was interesting and I hope it's something that gets explored more fully as the series continues.I like this mash-up horror/heist concept of a group of thieves teaming up to try and catch a ghost in a mansion where hundreds of people have died. I’m a little hesitant that as the series continues it will move more towards horror. I hope that the creative team can keep the two themes of horror and heist together without leaning on one more than the other. 

At the moment, Ghosted’s writing and art has a very slick Ocean's Eleven vibe to it.Goran Sudzuka was an excellent choice for the artist. I loved what he did in one of my favourite series of all time Y: THE LAST MAN. His art is simple, yet he providing his skills to convey allot of information through facial expressions, body language and pacing. I really appreciate that each character has a distinctive look to them. This helps to give the reader a sense of the characters in Jackson’s team that will be involved throughout the series. Our first glimpse of the ghost is damn creepy as it is drawn looking like a mixture of the traditional ghost and demon archtypes.Ghosted #1 is comic series with allot of potential which has slick writing and is well drawn. I found myself drawn into its crazy world of slick, smooth talking, well dressed, eccentric ghost hunters. I am looking forward to seeing how the story and the characters develop in the subsequent issues. I highly recommend picking the first issue up if you're a fan of slick intrigue and supernatural shenanigans.

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