Wednesday 21 August 2013

New Trailers- Quick Thoughts

Here are my quick impressions of some of the trailers currently kicking around the internet.

Trailer 1: Movie- Fright Night 2 (

Another year, another sequel. Although this is a DVD release. It doesn’t look too interesting, with it appearing to take the male vampire and replacing it with a female vampire from the recent Fright Night remake. This obviously changes the dynamic so that there is allot more fan-service for male fans, and this is what it looks like it is relying on. It doesn’t appear to be worth the time.

Trailer 2: Movie- Bounty Killer (

A new movie. It looks like allot of fun, but it does kind-of remind me of Priest. I like the female Bounty Killer’s colourful design and the spunk she showed during the trailer. The gypsy’s facepaint also looked cool. It looks like a good action film if it doesn’t end up taking itself too seriously in it’s final product. This is reminding me of Priest for some reason, however.

Trailer 3: PC Game- Rome: Total War 2 (

Although another sequel, I understand this one.  There is only so much medieval warfare to go around, and I loved the first game. “This is nonsense”. No senator, This is SPARTA! Catapults firing from aboard ships wrecking a city is awesome, the now compulsory Medal of Honor beach landing looks cool (see it looking much more boring in the Ryse: Son of Rome trailer today folks), and all the formations look cool. Getting more and more excited about this game, so hopefully it will live up to expectations.

Signing off,

 The Waffle Punches.

 P.S. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter.

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