Wednesday 7 August 2013

Man Of Steel: Good and Bad Points

So, after watching Man of Steel (twice, just so my expectations weren’t affecting my enjoyment), I have come up with a short list of the things in the movie I did and didn’t like.
– I liked that when the Kryptonians were fighting, it really felt like awesome powered beings were fighting.
– Just because Superman got mad didn’t mean he could suddenly beat up a whole army.
– The guy acting for Zod.
– No end scene. Therefore, could get out of uncomfortable seating after 2 hours without the need to wait an extra 10 minutes.
– The S stands for hope. The hope that the inevitable sequel will be better.
– The Man of Steel trailers were very well put together.
– Pacific Rim trailer was AWESOME in 3D … as per the last 4 times I saw it in 3D.
- Watching the movie allowed me to appreciate this article: as well as
– The terraforming plot was beyond stupid. Choose another planet, idiots.
– How Clarks dad died. Twister out of nowhere.
– The fight between Clark and his human dad fought before the father died. HE ISN’T SPIDERMAN. Especially considering it was about Clark being a farmer. So much for the rest of the movie and him being destined for greatness.
– No chemistry between Lois and Clark, and I normally don’t even notice.
– Not one flashback where he wasn’t an outsider. We get it after one.
– Superman stating the obvious continually. We get the handcuffs are pointless. We get you are upset about your mum. It takes away from the scene with some forced exposition.
– The lack of regard for collateral lives. He flew him into an occupied gas station being used on purpose.
– The Kryptonians not leaving there planet, despite knowing there are other habitable planets and they had instant transport technology.
– Pa Kent telling Clark to let a busfull of school children die. Great moral compassing.
– Isn’t putting trees through a truck suspicious?
– Overall, BORING. Action scenes had no emotional connection and lost all meaning by the end of it.
– He killed the rest of the Kryptonian race. Superman Unbound showed how Superman should have handled it.,99165/
By now, as you can no doubt tell, I didn’t like most of the movie. It was often contradictory in terms of characters and it was just boring. I could probably list negatives for every scene
I know I bagged on Superman, but maybe the sequel can be a bit like this:
Signing off,
The Waffle Punchers.

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