Friday 6 April 2018


So I thought I would put up my thoughts on a few games that I have been playing solo lately and my thoughts on them. I will say that I have been enjoying all three of these games but haven't quite played them enough to fully review them.

Roll Player: Roll Player is a nice puzzle game that forces you to make some tough choices (sometimes). Here, you draw and roll some dice, then the dice are seeded from lowest to highest. The higher you pick, the more the AI will do on there turn. The expansion also adds an extra layer of things to do, which is good, although the majority of the fun is still from the core skeleton of the game. The biggest thing it adds is another fail state for the end game to challenge you. Definitely a very good game of dice allocation and would recommend it. 

One Deck Dungeon: Another puzzle-type game. Here you roll your dice allocation, hope to beat the monsters arrayed against you and advance lower into the dungeon. Eventually you want to beat the boss. Once again, the recent stand-alone expansion adds character progression and a few extra mechansims. A bit more dictated by luck but small and fun to pull out.

Superhot: An interesting game where you are managing two decks simultaneously in order to not hit the fail condition and complete your objectives. You are balancing your speed of movement to avoid attacks with actually defeating enemies to make sure you keep the decks "balanced". A very interesting puzzle and some simple rules make an intriguing game. It is designed primarily as a solo game so it is quite fun. I fear it is a bit too fiddly for its own good but I still very much enjoy it.

So those are three games that I want to play a bit more before fully revieiwing. This is more my initial thoughts on them. Some I definitely want to play more multiplayer or just have a couple more games under my belt before my final thoughts.

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