Saturday 14 April 2018


Escape Plan is a a suprisingly good movie, even if predictable. This is an example of where predictability in movies isn't always a bad thing if the premise it is crafter around is good.

Escape Plan stars Stallone. He is a professional jail-breaker. In that, he is hired to test out maximum security prisons and exploit there weaknesses to ensure that future jail breaks cannot happen. He then takes on his latest job: get out of an unbreakable prison. While there, he meets up with other inmates, including Schwarzenegger.

This movie is a good jail-break style film. You see Stallone work around things that seem insurmountable. Little things come back later as being meaningful and key for the future. This is done with voiceovers and flashbacks, and works well. The movie really comes together well as a good heist-style movie.

The only time this falls down is when it turns into a more generic action movie. The other thing is the slight plot hole where Stallone doesn't face consequences for what he does in leaving prison. For example, in the opening of the movie, he kills a man during a prison fight. However, this is never brought up again.

All up, this movie is generally one to check out. It reminds me of the old-style heist movie with a tight plot and clear goals. It may be predictable, but it is well put together.

4 out of 5 escaped waffles.

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