Friday 1 December 2017


Castlevania Mirrors of Fate is a flawed game that had allot of potential. It is based on the classic Castlevania style system that has you exploring a castle and working towards facing Dracula. 

Mirrors of Fate is a 2D platformer with 3D elements and backgrounds. This doesn’t really work compared to the plain 2D environments. Sometimes it is confusing to see what is in the background compared to the foreground. Also the close-ups of the characters look pretty horrendous. 

The combat is pretty good for the most part. You control multiple characters but they all end up feeling the same with no cool abilities of their own. There are some different combos and enemies have varying attacks which keep things fresh, and the bosses are pretty good. However the camera feels far too close into the action for allot of combats to make you use the environment during combat. 

The story is perhaps the biggest misstep of the whole game. This doesn’t feel like a standalone game in the series. Enemies, characters and plot points really don’t work unless you have prior knowledge of the series. For example the toy maker shows up as a protagonist but you never face or interact with him. 

All in all this game is a miss in the Castlevania series. The graphics and story aren’t very good and the combat feels okay although you don’t have too many cool abilities or standout combat moments. 

2 out of 5 bloodsucking waffles. 

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