Wednesday 15 November 2017


Major marvel movie releases have a baseline level of quality (ignoring their television shows) that seems hard to break. When your biggest criticism of a movie is that it is too fun in some minor places or the trailers may have revealed a bit too much, then you know that it has been a real winner. 

Thor Ragnarok follows the story of Thor after the end Avengers: Age of Ultron. He is out searching for the infinity stones and along the way has to fight Hela, the goddess of death. In all fairness, the infinity stone plot doesn’t really feature too much in the movie with the main focus being on saving Asgard. 

Thor feels allot like Guardians of the Galaxy or Iron Man. It is a movie that doesn’t take itself overly seriously with each character having a stack of wit and personality about them. Yet there is an underlying seriousness about it that when things are thought about, you realise they make sense. 

I thought the trailers may have given away too much and, in some parts they have. Some of the best surprises have been tarnished by the trailers, although things don’t resolve the way you think for allot of them. There is definitely a bit of misdirection in the trailers. 

The only other criticism is that occasionally the movie doesn’t take itself seriously enough. However this is a minor complain int and only really relevant in one or two scenes. Otherwise the story is great, the movie looks great, and the characters are awesome. This is definitely a movie to go see. 

5 our of 5 Sparking Waffles. 

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