Thursday 14 December 2017


Never Alone is a small title from Upper One Games that is based on Native American culture and stories. It has an interesting premise wrapped around a puzzle-platformer where two characters (which can be played co-operatively) are trying to reach there goals, with each bringing unique skills to the problems.

The story is a relatively simple but conversely quite confusing. The main story is that a bad man comes into the main characters village looking for something. She then runs from him until she is forced to confront him. There are also blizzards which started happening. The story may have been based on Alaskan culture, but the storyline doesn't really provide much cohesion. It feels like a bunch of random tasks and puzzles thrown together, especially at the end of the game.

This may have been saved if the gameplay was good. Unfortunately, the platforming is mediocre. The movement and environmental effects is very loose and quite buggy. You can do the same jump twice and have it come with two different outcomes for unknown reasons. Not only that, but the Bola shooting mechanic is frustrating and unnecessary (considering the wealth of buttons that have no bindings assigned to them). 

So while the game is an interesting premise, the mediocre platforming and non-sensical story leaves allot to be desired. The game is short, which is its only blessing as it doesn't overstay its welcome too much. However, this would be a recommended pass.

1.5 out of 5 lonely waffles. 

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