Monday 25 August 2014


 Snowpiercer greatest asset is it simplicity. Yet under its straightforward plot is a political statement about class structure. In the near future climate change has turned our Earth into a super happy ice world. Humanities remaining survivor are now stuck circling the Earth in Thomas the Tank engine. Each carriage section has be broken into poor, middle class and rich. Our hero Captain America (Chris Evan)  must lead the huddled masses at the back to the front and overthrow the upper class.

The movie is broken into video game-esque levels. Before each level Curtis (Captain America) receives a cryptic messages about what's ahead.
Before the poor can begin there revolt they must free former head of security, Namgoong (Song Kang-ho).They need  his ability to unlock the gates ahead to progress.  

Each section is a wonderment of production and thought from a brainwashed children's classroom to a fully-fledged aquarium, one of the true joys of the film is seeing what awaits our revellers behind each unlocked door. Along the way they encounter Minister Mason, Tilda Swinton doing her best Margaret Thatcher impression. Her only job is to be puppet that moves the chessboard around for her mysterious boss Wilford. The rest of the cast brings this small-scale depiction of society to life with an array of different human conditions.

Snowpiercer was a brutal,crazy ride that left you thinking. Go in with an open mind and have a really long think about how you can compare it to the world today.

3.5 upper class train waffles out of 5

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