Sunday 1 September 2013

I Went To The Other Side Of The City $2 Burrito’s, But Was It Worth It?

Saturday the 13th of July marked the official grand opening of the Burrito Bar at Portside Wharf in Brisbane. This was punctuated by several different things.  The was a Mariachi band playing, free samples of chips and nachos, a huge cruise ship departing from the wharf, and of course the famous $2 Burrito. Today, for you dear audience, I will giving you my thoughts on these $2 Burritos.

The first thing that was noticed upon arrival was the line. It looked quite big, but this was 1 p.m., so a lunch rush wasn’t too unexpected. Fortunately, the line was moving quite briskly and after only 10 minutes, I found myself ready to order burrito number 1.

Burrito number 1 was the chicken burrito. This burrito came out in quite good time. It had plenty of cheese on it, which was a plus in my books. It was also quite warm. However, the sauce still tasted cold and it was quite disconcerting eating a warm burrito with a distinct cold section in it. However, the chicken was really nice and the proof was in the pudding. 2 minutes later I had devoured my first burrito and moved onto burrito number 2.

20130715_Burrito Californian
Burrito number 2 was the Ultimate Mexican. It did not have as much cheese as the chicken burrito, but this was probably my favourite burrito that I had. It was slightly spicy, but not overly so. This was good as I am not normally a huge fan of spicy food, although I can eat them if needed.

However, for my personal tastes, this had a good balance of spice without overwhelming the taste of the burrito. Also, this burrito was warm throughout and the actual pastry taste was more evident (and delicious) compared to the chicken in which it was overwhelmed by the cheese and cold sauce taste.

Burrito number 3 was the Californian. I was going for the Fish, but they had run out of Fish. This is basically a beef burrito with chips in it. Although I liked it,  this burrito was definitely a very heavy burrito due to the fries mashed within it. It also had the longest wait, as the wait staff lost the order. Despite it being the heaviest, it also had the least taste out of all three.

So I guess the real question is whether I think the burritos would be worth it if they weren’t $2. For a change and a quick meal, maybe. Although for their size, $7+ each burrito is kind of steep.  However, for $2 they were nice and I did devour all of them quite quickly. Also, the atmosphere with the band and store was really good.

If I had to rank the burritos I tasted, I would go Ultimate Mexican first, then Chicken and finally Californian last. But in short, for $2, they were nom-nom-nom delicious.

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