Monday 22 April 2019


Power Rangers is a 2017 American super-hero film that is based in a series of shows. The shows main premise is a bunch of heroes can transform into costumed warriors, pilot mecha-lions, and combine into a mega robot.

If that premise sounds silly and light-hearted, that is because it is. And that is something the previous series shows understood (for the most part). Maybe due to budgetary constraints or the quality of the acting that was available to them, they never took the premise overly seriously. And if you think that this new movie is anything but light-hearted based on the trailer, well, you are half-right.

That is ultimately where the Power Rangers movie falls down. It doesn't know if it wants to be light-hearted or grim and dark. I wouldn't be surprised to learn (if I cared enough to research) that it had large amounts of reshoots or rewrites of the script. What you are left with is a weird movie that randomly alternates between trying to be a dark-and-gritty take on the Power Rangers that grates against other parts of the movie that try to make everything a joke.

This is a shame as the movie had potential either way. Instead, the movie can best be summed up in one scene. In this scene, you see the giant monster incinerating the town and murdering the townsfolk. All the sudden, the old Power Ranger theme hits as the Power Rangers arrive on the scene, jarring you out of the dark section. And then one of the characters makes the mind-baffling decision to drive towards the giant monsters just to try and up the tension again.

1.5 out of 5 mighty-morphin' power waffles. 

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