Monday 8 April 2019

Book Review: Gone Girl

Having recently finished the Gone Girl book, I did really enjoy it. The book plays around with the unreliable narrator by making both the husband and wife that the book is set around unreliable. Just when you thought that you were getting a handle on what was happening, it then proceeds to pull the rug out from underneath the reader with a major twist.

Gone Girl had no set hero or villain. In some ways, it was just 2 bad people and one just happened to be much worse when provoked. With no reliable narration happening from either viewpoint, it is always difficult to know what is going on. 

It is also quite well paced. The story keeps moving along and, just when you think a lull might start or you might start spinning wheels, it throws another spanner into the works. Switching perspectives and throwing away established points with unreliable narrators tends to do that.

The only downside is that, every so often, you swear that the characters took the stupid pill. Some of the twists and turns seem to only exist there to be a twist rather than what a sensible person would do. However, despite this, I would definitely recommend this as a good read to pass a couple of days and a book that you want to talk about.

4 out of 5 Waffles Gone.

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