Thursday 14 February 2019


Final Space is a space-opera series that is on Netflix. It is very much in the same kind of parody and dark humor of other shows such as Disenchanted. With the setting, it does remind me most of Futurama. In the initial impressions, Gary is sent to a prison ship and is slowly going insane. His only companion is his jailer, an AI called Hue. He then stumbles into a plot that is much bigger than himself. 

The story of how he gets to the prison ship is actually pretty good. It isn't revolutionary, but it is believable and fits the shows fun sense of humor. In addition, how he arrives into the situation he is in and how he gets out of these also reinforces the shows sense of fun.

Overall, the show is quite fun. The relationships between the characters and how the mysteries and depth to them slowly unravels is well paced. It isn't a revolutionary show, and shows such as Futurama I still feel still do this future space parody better. One of these reasons is that Futurama's humor does appeal to different people, while Final Space tends to go for the most obvious jokes which tend to lack too much depth. 

However, once again, the style of humor and the pacing of the show reinforce eachother. Overall, the storyline is engaging and the show is fun. It is definitely worth checking out. 

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