Saturday 2 February 2019


Sea of Clouds is a game that takes a couple of mechanisms used in other games. It then mashes them together and makes something that is just a little bit special out of them. Regardless, it does have some flaws (like any game).
Sea of Clouds is a pirate-themed game from IeLLO. It mashes together an “I split/You Choose” mechanism from games such as piece of cake. However, the twist here is that it is done in sequence and you only see the back of the cards to start with. This then gives it a Small Worlds type mechanism where every time you pass over a card, you add another card to it. And finally, battling is done similar to 7 Wonders (fight each person besides you).

Ultimately, it all comes together really well. Seeing the back of the cards and knowing what type of cards there is gives you just enough information. It makes me wonder if Seven Wonders would benefit from something similar (knowing what types of cards are coming up means you can start building with direction).  Combat is powerful but because it only happens 4-5 times in a game keeps it from becoming too annoying. And the tough choices about skipping a pile, knowing the next card may make the stack amazing. And the artwork and components are great.
There are a couple of downsides, however. One of the main ones is that analysis paralysis is real, especially if there is pile someone doesn’t want but would be great for the next person. Be prepared for a bit of waiting or attempted negotiation in this case. The other problem is that it is entirely possible to run out of cards at 4 players, meaning you are just shuffling pirate heavy stacks back into the supply. A few extra cards would've really mitigated this allot.

However, overall, the game plays really nicely. The problems are far outweighed by the good, and it is a nice light game to start of finish off the night. It has some good meat on the bones as well to not feel like a throw-away game.

4 out of 5 heartily-enjoyable waffles.

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