Saturday 14 July 2018


Skyscraper is the latest action movie starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Here, he stars as a security expert and former SWAT officer that has been hired as a security consultant for the largest skyscraper in the world.

Movies are often descirbed as 'switch off your brain movies.' Personally, I never like movies where you have to switch off your brains to enjoy it. Well, to clarify, I like them, as long as the movie doesn't fall apart when you switch on your brain. For example, see The Last Jedi, where any type of question makes the whole movie fall apart like a house of cards. Please note that this is different from the Suspension of Disbelief, where I choose to believe in Space Wizards using The Force.

Skyscraper is mostly the better class of the 'switch off your brain' type of movie. It reminds me of Die Hard allot, with The Rock getting stuck in something he shouldn't have been. He then has to drive the plot forward for believable motives while working his way through some cool set pieces. 

The pacing and flow of the movie kept me invested in the characters. In this way, it reminded me of Mad Max. The whole movie is just an extended big action sequence. In fact, the only part that seems out-of-the-ordinary feels like the starting sequence. It feels like his SWAT background was going to be a bigger part of the movie, but instead it is just used as an excuse to give him a disability.

Overall, this is an enjoyable action movie. You can switch your brain off and enjoy it, but not feel like it will fall apart with any sort of critique of its plot or motives. The action is good, the pacing of the movie is good, and I would recommend checking this one out.

3.5 out of 5 skyhigh waffles.

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