Friday 6 July 2018


The Hollow is a Netflix animated series. In this series, it follows three teenagers through a bunch of different adventures where they travel to different places. Along the way, they are trying to also solve some underlying mysteries. This is a review of the first handful of episodes. 

This series obviously draws inspiration from shows like Maze Runner. The underlying mystery is that they have no idea who they are or why they are there. The actual areas they are travelling through also have there own mysteries, both episode to episode and longer term.

However, the series does feel rushed in the first few episodes. For example, the characters seem to quickly accept there status quo and develop relationships really quickly. Another episode or two of developing the characters or showing some quiet moments between the characters 

Another thing is the generaly likeability of the main characters. One of the characters seems to be constantly whining and complaining, generally getting into trouble and using absolutley no sense. Only one character seems to act with any sense of urgency or sense in dangerous situations. 

Similarly, episodes struggle for consistency, seeming to randomly alternate between slapstick comedy, homage/parody, or drama/horror. Someone should tell the writers to aim for a bit more consistency instead of trying to be the hippest show around. 

However, despite these flaws, the overlying mysteries make the show compelling. The style of the show also makes it stand out, so I am hoping it can iron out the flaws as time goes by.

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