Thursday 15 March 2018

MOVIE REVIEW: 9 (2009)

9 is an animated movie. based on an alternate, Skynet-like history. In the movie, humans have been wiped out from the world. Now, a bunch on sentient ragdolls designated by their numbers are trying to survive. Some spoilers ahead.

9 fails to rise above any tropes. This is perhaps its most disappointing trait. While the animation and music is good, the story just feels so generic. Not only that, but any failures by 9 are quickly swept under the rug in the name of plot advancement. In fact, most the ragdolls stupid moves are their simply so the plot can advance.

All the characters are very generic. You have the dumb bruiser, the eccentric inventor, the old man set in his ways, and the naive newcomer determined to change things. The problem is the newcomer has been there for a whole 2 seconds before he is getting everyone to follow him and sacrifice their beliefs for him. This is a very bad example of an author projecting into his work. 

The only problem is that the author projection and plot advancement don't mesh. So the perfect character has to do something stupid to advance the plot, but then it is quickly forgotten about. This movie is a cringe-worthy miss with its simplistic plot, and the monsters are far too scary for most children who wouldn't mind the simplicity.

A definite miss on this one.

1 out of 5 ragging waffles.

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