Saturday 10 March 2018


Fantasy Defence is a 1-2 player co-operative card game that was on Kickstarter. It is by Sweet Lemon Publishing, and is a fast-paced card game where you have to survive and destroy a hoard of enemies. This review will be including the Stone King campaign expansion as well.

The game is quick. In the game, you have a deck of defenders, a bunch of battlements and a deck of enemies trying to break through. There is also a boss enemy you have to defeat, some spells that help you out, and a leader who is quite powerful. Your units can move a limited amount between battlements between the enemy assaults, and you have to either defend the gate or take the loss of health (called morale) for the greater good.

In the game, you have a choice of 2 factions that play very differently. You have the manuevarable elves or the combo-tastic humans. Each plays very differently with just a few changes in the power match-ups of the cards, and it is very well done. However, the problem with the game is that you see your whole deck and the enemy deck every game. Without the Stone King campaign expansion, there is no variety between games. You see the same enemies, same abilities and have the same units availale. This makes the puzzle very static.

However, the Stone King expansion is nearly a must for this. This adds allot of different enemies with different abilities, new units for you to use and events to play through, amongst other spoiler things. The story is really good to play through, with changes between levels to keep things fresh. However, the most important part is that now you can introduce changes (or use a random subset of enemies and defenders) between non-campaign games. One suggestion is that you keep to the story suggestions about which units get replaced, otherwise you may end up with too many low powered units for the big creatures.

The Stone King expansion is a must for this game. Without this, there is very limited plays in the base box before you have seen most the game has to offer. With the expansion, it adds allot of variety and makes it a very smart game. It should have been included in the base box, or at least some variety included in this (i.e. maybe some monsters you deal out of the monster deck) as opposed to just the order of monsters. So be warned, without the Stone King, this game would be a solid pass.

3.5 out of 5 fantastic waffles (with Stone King expansion).

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