Tuesday 20 October 2015

Movie Review: Self/Less

Self/Less is a 2015 movie that has it's moments, but is an ultimately flawed movie. Starring Ryan Reynolds in the lead role, the film often relies on co-incidences and false mysteries rather than having faith in its story.

The premise of Self/Less is that an old man, a leader in his field, approaches the end of his life. However, he learns of a technology where he can be put in the consciousness of a younger body that has been grown in a vat. This was originally to allow him to continue his good work but instead he starts using his body for a good time.

Instead of exploring the premise of what people would really do with a second chance, it instead switches gears. From a philosophical opening, it morphs into a standard action/mystery thriller which leaves all potentially deeper musings behind (until the climax, where the tonal shift is quite unexpected).

As an action/thriller, it doesn't really hold up. All the mystery's are easily predicted and tend to fit standard tropes. Although this isn't necessarily a bad thing, Self/Less doesn't really offer anything in its place. the action scenes aren't really that engaging and the characters aren't really anything to invest in. A billionaire who can buy his way out of aging and someone who is so obviously telegraphed as being the bad guy aren't really anyone that I could emphasise with.

t the end of the day, Self/Less starts by looking at some of the deeper questions but ends up being a sub-par action/mystery with nothing much to offer.

1.5 out of 5 Selfish Waffles.

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