Sunday 11 October 2015


In the world of clone games to the ever popular Clash of Clans, Samurai Siege is an offering from Space Ape games. It follows the usual Clash of Clans formula of training troops and then attacking other players bases while waiting for time-based upgrades and collecting resources.

Samurai Siege has a bright, colourful aesthetic set in feudal japan. Your troops include samurai, ninjas and mongols. Most of these troops fit in a standards trope of the tank, the glass cannons, the heavy but expensive troop. However, there are some characters that add interesting wrinkles in the formula. These include a commander, who can boost or change the targets of nearby troops, or alternate weapon upgrades for some troops.

However, the bright colours also serve to work against it. Newcomers may find it hard to pick different defences out when looking at bases to attack. By the very nature of the game, you don't spend allot of time looking at bases so it is easy to miss things when you are assaulted by a wall of colour. Another hard thing for newcomers is that the matchmaking isn't particularly good, often being matched with opponents who have been at it for awhile.

The things that make this game stand-out are the interesting aesthetics and some of the new ideas behind some of the units. It isn't particularly welcoming of newcomers however, and this is likely to continue as the game is still being updated, leading to bigger gaps between the new players and veterans. Newcomers aren't helped that the waiting times seem to scale quickly. While Clash of Clans tends to have a long time before you feel like you are just waiting around for upgrades, Samurai Siege seems to reach this point allot quicker.

Overall, the game is interesting and you will like it if you like Clash-style games and some of the new ideas it brings. However, it won't change your mind if you don't and the entry level seems to be quite high.

3 out of 5 sword-tapping waffles.

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