Friday 23 May 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

The X-Men boldly go forward to the past, or possibly sideways. In this chaotic prequel,sequel hybrid reboot. Days of Future Past opens in a dystopian future where the massive mutant-hunting Sentinels have practically exterminated mutants, incarcerating the surviving ones in concentration camps. Of course the only the most popular X-Men have survived. Luckily they have a plan to send Wolverine back in time telepathically in order to stop the mutant holocaust.

Day of Future Past moves at a delirious pace. Professor Xavier explains situation how the sentinels come to be because Mystique failed to assassinate anti-mutant scientist Dr Trask (Peter Dinklage). Turns out, Mystique’s mutant abilities are the key to giving the Sentinels there metamorphic properties. So wolverine must inception-style his mind  back to 1973 – to persuade Magneto and Xavier's younger selves to join him in this quest. The problem is that he will be a stranger to the younger them.. The further complicating factors are that Xavier is drug addict and Magneto is incarcerated in an ultra-secure unit below the Pentagon. But with the help of Beast and Quicksilver they spring Magneto out 

.From there it becomes a race against time to stop Mystique, restore young Xavier’s hope, and prevent the X-Men of the future from being wiped out.Then the story gets muddled down with a bit of repetition about the whole bleak dystopian future scenario. Major credit to both director Bryan Singer and screenwriter Simon Kinberg from  balancing all those elements with very little confusion.
The action scenes are over the top flashy. The visual effects looked great. The post-apocalyptic wasteland was brooding and desolate. Future Sentinels come across as menacing killing machine unlike their 1973 dyson vacuum cleaner counterparts.

If you're a X-Men fanboy like myself you’ll notice lots of little nods to previous movies. X-Men: Days of Future Past is a dizzying ride. That allows for the series to be re-set. Was an surprisingly witty adventure rewarding installment for avid fans. Thanks to the power of time travel we can all forget that Last Stand, Origins and Superman Returns never happened.

4 out of 5 time travel sentinel waffles.

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