Monday 5 February 2018


Gods of Egypt cannot call itself a good movie. At times it struggles to call itself competently made. However, there is some enjoyment to be found, with several areas going into the so-bad-its-good territory. 

Gods of Egypt is about, well, the Gods of Egypt. The universe it builds is that the Gods are physically upon the mortal plane. Ra is pulling the sun across the sky, Osiris rules over man, etc. One of the gods, Set, usurps the other gods that are located on Earth and takes over Egypt with an army of monsters. It is then up to Horus to save the day, along with a thief called Bek who wants to save his slave lover from the afterlife.

The action scenes have drastic shifts in the quality of the special effects. However, they are mostly pretty inventive. Each god can transform and has some special power, and the fights reminded me of video game fights in the best ways. The world, with the gods being mortal and each having a domain, is also interesting.

Where the movie is let down, however, story and the dialogue. The story is cliche and the choice of dialogue and characterisation doesn't help things. A couple of interesting twists and turns would have been great. The acting also doesn't help, particularly the supporting cast (such as the thiefs lover).

All in all, however, this movie was a surprise. It was much better than expected and had competent action and story beats that made sense. It also followed the simple rules of storytelling (things that are set-up have a pay-off) so it didn't leave me feeling bored like Star Wars. With a bit more originality, it may have even ventured into being good. 

2 out of 5 sandy waffles. 

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