Wednesday 3 January 2018


World of Final Fantasy is a PS4 game where you go around fighting and collecting recognizable monsters, which you then use to help you in combat. It is no secret that the game is a Final Fantasy version of Pokemon and a bit of a love-letter to prior Final Fantasy games, and it stands up surprisingly well on its own.

In World of Final Fantasy, you are tasked with saving the world (of course), or more accurately worlds, by a mysterious figure. Your characters (Lann and Reynn) have amnesia but were once powerful keepers (or people who control captured mirages, or monsters). Now you have to regain your power to save the world from an invading army. Past Final Fantasy characters will also show up  to help you along the way.

The biggest weak-point of the game is definitely the main characters. Slap-stick goofy seems to be the order of the day, with neither character showing much growth. This is particularly jarring when the game tries to be serious, and leads to quite a sudden and unpleasant tonal shift during the end cut scenes when Mr Slapstick gets somber.

Apart from this, the combat system works suprisingly well. You can capture monsters if you weaken them or fulfill some other conditions. Monsters are never overly difficult to capture, and you can always evolve and change monster types. Choosing there abilities using AP to unlock buffs and abilities is also interesting as you customise your monsters (well, until you max them out). You also stack monsters in 2 stacks of 3 (2 monsters and your main characters), which can unlock new abilities.

There is allot more to cover. However, most of this is positive. There are some unfortunate negatives (random battles, having mana so you  can't use your abilities to get rid of weak monsters quickly, etc.), but overall this game is a success. There are plenty of options and exciting things to do in the game, and it is quite fun to play.

4 out of 5 world-spanning waffles.

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