Tuesday 26 September 2017


Sausage Party is an animated film that takes a simple premise: have a Pixar-like animated movie but with "adult" themes. The story is that a bunch of food items in a supermarket are sentient and believe humans take them to heaven when they pick them up (not knowing they just get eaten).

The movie is just a vehicle for Seth Rogen and company to make crude, sex-themed jokes throughout in an effort to make it "mature". Sometimes this works. However, in this case, it definitely doesn't work. The overall story is too weak and seems to rely on the crutch of deliberately thinly-veiled religious and racial characters to try to make any of its narrative interesting.

It is an interesting contrast comparing this to Pixar. Pixar often uses child-like things to tell a mature story. Here, the use of more crude jokes is used to try to make an animated movie that is "mature" and touches on current events. This approach worked allot less successfully than many other Pixar (or for that matter, other good animated movies) approach.

This movie is a hard pass for me. They should have spent more time working on a compelling story than trying to take shots at society and religion to make this more appealing. 

0.5 out of 5 stars (simply because the animation looks okay).

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