Wednesday 23 August 2017


Suits is an interesting show. It starts with an interesting premise, appearing to be a slick-version of Law and Order. You are following the suave dealers and lawyers as they navigate there jobs and the high-end law firms. 

Into this, you throw Mike. Mike is a genius but can't go to Harvard (and apparently no other law school exists) because he was caught by the headmaster or something. By circumstances, he ends up working in a law firm under Harvey, apparently being the only person who impresses him in interviews with his quick-thinking and intelligence. So they pretend he is a graduate and he is his underling. 

However, the show quickly wears out its welcome. By halfway through the season the formula is already quite stale. Mike, for apparently being the only smart person that impresses Harvey, constantly does dumb things and is constantly outsmarted. For someone who is meant to be so smart and having a photographic memory of all the laws, he makes mistakes and errors constantly. And he never does anything to really show he is smart.

Similarly, the formula is a pretty standard show formula. It builds up to a mid-show climax, appears to be resolved, gets a twist, and then has the big resolution. Somewhere in this Mike has speech about being ethical to Harvey, Harvey has a speech about growing up to Mike, and Mike freaks out about his past. 

And then there is the incompetent rival in the firm (Luis) who keeps stuffing up and stuffing people with no consequences or come-uppance. If done right, this may be done interesting. However, here it isn't done right and just feels grating. 

So yeah. A show with allot of potential. There are 6 seasons, but I lost interest after this one. I won't be seeking out the next seasons to see if improves. This feels like a generic show that squanders all its potential.

2 out of 5 generic lawyer waffles. 

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