Saturday 24 September 2016


NSKN Games have released a game that seems to be in the latest in a spate of Odin games recently, In the Name of Odin. Funded off Kickstarter (as per most their other games), this game probably best exemplifies this studios strengths and weaknesses.

Name of Odin is primarily a euro-type, card-driven hand management game. You recruit Vikings and heroes, build a settlement and go on raids in order to get victory points. Everything is very abstract as you quest for points, but the theme really comes across from the artwork on the board and the cards looking suitably Viking-ish.

This game is a really pleasant game. There isn't really any player blocking or griefing other players as you instead focus on building your hand and settlement up to achieve points. As the cards are multi-use, you constantly have choices at to how play your turn. This leads to the game having a simplicity as you can plan your turns ahead but a depth as you have to constantly think how your hand can get you points this turn and set you up next turn (and whether you should sacrifice for this).

Unfortunately, the problems stem from what appear to be late design changes. The Viking minatures don't quite fit on the storage spaces (suggesting they might have been cubes at some stage). There is no player color marker on your player boards and no player aides (considering there are 9 different actions you can take, this is a critical oversight). And the end game can mean whoever takes the last raid ends of on negative points for lost raiders (suggesting points for leftover raiders was a late addition).

These are a real sham because the prototype copies reviewers had (i.e. Rahdo) had player aides and scoring tracks on the player boards (so you know who you are). I really like this game and the options it represents. It makes me think (like their other games) if a professional developer could've made this game great (more playtesting after the final changes to pick up these issues). As it stands, it is merely a very good game that perhaps highlights the dangers of Kickstarters for talented but smaller companies.

3.5 out of 5 Raiding Waffles.

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