Saturday 12 March 2016


Jumping onto the Cloverfield name, 10 Cloverfield Lane had a troubled production. Beginning as a separate movie, the script was modified during pre-production with the inclusion J. J. Abrams  and a franchise. It also had an marketing campaign that relied on the mystery box and very little hype (as opposed to Superman, which we know nearly everything about).

This movie is good. The less you know about it the better going into it as it relies on keeping you guessing and throwing out red herrings. The story is fairly simple (watch the trailer to see what it is about). However, the tight script and characters make it all come together good.

The acting is good. Each of the characters bring believability to their characters as people you would meet on the street, or at least expect to exist. Their isn't any particular evil chessmasters or super-hero types in the story, which actually works to its benefit.

The camera work and music is also good. Shot mostly in a single locations, the music and shots serve to emphasise that you only know as much as the characters. It also tends to match the mood, with stressful moments having claustrophobic close-ups while wide, open-type shots used when the stress levels lessen. This really helps pace the movie with quiet moments making the stressful moments feel even more impactful and preventing audience burn-out.

It is hard talking about the story. All there is to know is that it all works and comes together well. The acting and directing is really good and the movie is a low-ball success.

4 out of 5 Kaiju-Waffles

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