Friday 19 December 2014


This week, along with a hefty stack of all the other comics I’m reading, I picked up Memetic #1 from Boom! Studios. I remember reading about and the premise of a weaponized meme that destroy civilisation and bring about the apocalypse as pretty interesting. Actually a suck for apocalypstic story. That was the whole reason I saw Mel Gibsons ‘Apocalypto’, which was a great movie and you should check it out. Memetric does well at building spense and intrigue. Only a 3 part mini series so establishing world, character and atmosphere is critical special in the first few pages of a comic book. The visual sell that before moment of everyday life. With our protagonist Aaron following an argument with his boyfriend,all done via texts or facebook messenger. Aaron finds unable able to sleep so he starts scrolling through Raddit (That world version of Reddit) in his room rather than going to sleep. Not long into Aaron internet procrastinating that he comes across a picture of a sloth, smiling and giving a thumbs up surrounded by trippy circles and colours. A Raddit post author insists that the image makes them “feel amazing”. Due to Aaron all too human mutant ability to distinguish colour (other than blue). Think that Aaron having a hearing aid will play an important part of the story.

 As the day progresses all of his friends, and soon the entire world becomes infatuated with the ‘Good Times Sloth’, with everyone reporting euphoria and a general feeling of the point where many as it a sign from god. Really like how the sloth is taking of the background of the whole book. From giant TV to community billboards. You start not being able to unsee the it. Only those who can’t see the picture, like Marcus, the blind former head of US Military Intelligence, or unique cases like Aaron aren’t infatuated. Artist Eryk Donovan does a excellent job of setting up the atmosphere of uncertainty and mystery. He captures the invisible thread of information following on top our world with bold text message blocks. Give a sense of movement having the Sloth showing up everywhere not just in the background. Show how the image has affected the person.Either by having the image set in the character eyes like it was burned in, to just being happy/crazy by thrusting the image on everything like the crazy cat lady from the simpson. 

All it excellent service to Writer James Tynion IV. The character are relatable and fauld to begin with. Then in a few short pages there breakdown into crazed killers. If his point was to ponder if a meme spread destruction worldwide would it be very successfully. Than I would answer yes it would.Memetic delivers it’s first issue in style, with a truly gripping and unique storyline brought to life with stylish visuals which help subtly illustrate the direction of the plot, this series is a must buy, departing from the traditional superhero genre commonly associated with comics to something a little more intriguing and unique.

 4 out of 5 ‘Good Times Sloth’

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