Wednesday 23 April 2014


Look- You have probably already seen Captain America. You have probably already read all the reviews about it from a bunch of other sources. So, to add to all the other stuff that you know about The Winter Soldier, here is something awesome that you should watch.
“Captain America- F&*k Yeah.”
So The Winter Soldier completes the Avengers trinity of sequels, following on from Iron Man and Thor movies. In it, Liberty himself is in a moral quandary based on SHIELD’s new method of enforcing their laws based of pre-emptive strikes. There is the obligatory bad business-guy and also the return of fellow Avengers Nick Fury and Black Widow. And there is also the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, when the movie remembers he exists.
The Winter Soldier has plenty of action scenes. And it is a good thing that these are among some of the best action scenes I have seen this year. Taking a break from repulsor beams and lightning bolts, the action in Winter Soldier feels allot grittier and visceral as the good and bad guys engage in hand-to-hand fighting or shoot-outs. But amongst all this fighting, there is also a pretty good spy-style thriller filled with espionage and double crosses as Captain America and co. Try to figure out what is going on.
Captain America does feel like it tries to fit allot of things in. There is the corruption of SHIELD, an expositing 60’s style super-computer, Captain America returning to the world, Black Widow having more of a personality and some epic shield throwing scenes. However, it never feels too bloated as it does a good job balancing most things. 
Unfortunately, a couple of things do fall flat. Falcon feels very emotionless. It sometimes felt like watching a brick holding emoticon faces in front of it and switching them between scenes. The Winter Soldier also doesn’t feel like he has too much to do in his own movie. He has his big reveal of who he is, a scene showing him being brainwashed and that is it, instead being used more as a sequel hook.
Captain America- The Winter Soldier was an entertaining movie from start to finish. It has some awesome action scenes and is a very entertaining spy-thriller. It also refuses to end the movie on a giant reset button for the Marvel cinematic universe. So if you haven’t watched the video linked above, you should do that now. And if you can find a shield to throw, you should go throw a shield.
4.5 out of 5 Star-Spangled Waffles.

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