Monday 31 March 2014


I’ve personal owned almost every Nintendo handheld. There also been one game beside Mario game that I’ve played on a almost every hand held. That would be Castlevania (I have played Dawn of Sorrow, Harmony of Dissonance, Aria of Sorrow and also Symphony of the Night). So after a rather lengthy hiatus from the Nintendo's portable systems. 

I was rather excited to see Castlevania: Lords of Shadow- Mirror of Fate that I picked it up without hesitant because I would be a great game.My first indication that the game might not been great was the name. Mirror of Fate just didn't have the same level of fantasy inspired stupidity of Harmony of Dissonance or Aria of Sorrow. I wasn't fired up by the idea of a mirror of fate, all I could think of was the main character sitting in front of a mirror getting their hair brushed by the hand of fate. Any other time I read a castlevania title its more meet with a WFT is a Harmony of Dissonance ??. I dont know but I want to punch in the face then throw holy water all over just to make sure its dead.

This iteration of Castlevania was very heavy on daddy issue. You play almost each generation of the Belmont clan in this game as they fight their way through the mysterious castle to either battle their father. You play as three separate characters: Simon, Alucard, and Trevor split into three Acts, one for each character, and you explore different sections of the castle at different points in history. It plays out in a nonlinear fashion, like some kind of Quentin Tarantino's movie. Also one of the main problems of the game. Its builds up to three separate climaxes, so by the time you reach the end of the Act III, the impact of the final battle lacks any real tension. It also doesn't help that the "twist" ending was telegraphed all the way back in Act I. The way the characters' stories tangle together was satisfying for me but story has never been the main reason to play Castlevania. You play this game to whip evil.

It did take me awhile to get into the game visual style. I’ve always loved the 2d drawn style of the previous games. I got annoyed several times at the 3D backgrounds that clearly showed door that look like I should be able to walk down them to explore. Really just there for decoration and atmosphere. The infusion of God of War like quick time events where a nice addition that helped spice the game up just when I was getting bored of whipping things. 

 The combo system feels nice to play, it is responsive, and the new moves/powers make you feel more powerful as the game advances. Boss fights are decent and require different tactics to defeat. Think this is the first game where boss fights had in fight save points, that would ensnaring you in a perpetual animation loop. 

Only got annoy a few times. The biggest negative points are the repetitive soundtrack,backtracking and leveling up. Could easily have fixed the backtracking with hub areas to connect the castle sections. Previous castlevania games had robust leveling up system. Feels like the developers decided getting the chance to play as the same character 3 times would make up for that. Least they were smart enough to give each character enough distinctive move set to distinguish each of them. Since when were the Belmonts Scottish? pretty sure Scotland and Transylvania are very nearly on opposite ends of the continent.

Mirror of Fate does have some high notes. The graphics are most definitely among the best on the 3DS, and the stereoscopic effect is likewise top notch. In fact, this is the first 3DS title for which I left the 3D slider on max from start to finish. Even more impressive than the in-game visuals are the cut-scenes, The only knock against it is that the characters' mouths weren't animated to sync with their speech. It like watching an old kung-fu movie bad.If you  enjoy adventuring through mysterious castle of daddy issue awaiting you. I highly recommend the ridiculous named CASTLEVANIA: LORDS OF SHADOW – MIRROR OF FATE.

3 and a half mysterious Scottish whipping vampire killing waffles.

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