Thursday 27 April 2017


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is the sequel to Guardians of the Galaxy. Based in the Marvel cinematic universe, it picks up where Guardians of the Galaxy left off in following the adventures of Starlord and company through the Galaxy.

This time around, the plot centers around how the Guardians are going to stay together when half the galaxy has a bounty of there head. They don't help matters when they make some new enemies. They get a break when they meet Starlord's dad.

This time around Guardians feels like a very chilled ride. For approximately two and a half hours, we follow along with them as they interact with old and new characters and their various adventures. Although it is pretty obvious who the big bad will end up being, it takes its time getting there and never feels like it needs to get somewhere.

And that is what makes it so great. It never feels like it needs to rush or shove in some action to keep people interested. It is definitely more a character piece, despite being a blockbuster super-hero movie. The opening is also great, looking like it will be a bait-and-switch and then not being.

The only criticism is that it falls into the trap of trying have too much humor in some stages. One or two jokes less in the movie would've gone along way. It feels like the writers saw how much people liked the Guardians humour, so they tried to force humour where it doesn't belong. While Guardians felt a very natural, here it feels a bit forced. 

I do have another criticism. Gamora's acting sometimes comes across as a whiny sitcom teenager. This is a very small issue in a couple of scenes, but it stands out as the rest of the acting is really good.

At the end of the day, this was an awesome time. The small criticisms are just that- small. The action is awesome, the story is chilled and yet ramps up nicely. The new and old characters are well done, even adding some new wrinkles to old characters. Definitely worth checking out.

4 our of 4 Living Waffles