Monday 6 March 2017


Moana is a 2017 animated film following the adventures of a young girl, Moana. She is a girl who doesn't feel like she belongs in her tribe and has an urge to go exploring. However, her father wants her to stay in the tribe and take over the role of chieftain from him. Add to this a legend saying that a demigod, Maori, has to restore the Heart of Ishta to stop the land dying, and you have the makings of a grand adventure.

Without going into too many spoilers, Moana meets Maori and they travel on their quest together. That is all I really want to say about it as the twists and turns are best left to be seen and thought through on there own. Suffice to say, the story plays out exactly as expected but still has a few cool twists and turns thrown in.

The animation is beautiful and vibrant in this movie, which is on par with big studio productions these days. However, the story and music really come together, creating several cool songs. The songs in here don't feel like they come out of nowhere and are really good (so much so that I put a couple on my playlist). It all comes together as a really good package.

Overall, this is a really good movie. It has good characters and a good story where the characters grow to the world around them. The animation and music really set the whole thing off and make this an animated movie that shouldn't be missed, by both children and adults alike.

5 out of 5 tattooed waffles.