Monday 26 December 2016


Suicide Squad starts poorly, has a few isolated moments of mediocrity before ending poorly. It once again proves how much the DC cinematic universe tries to take shortcuts. It has all the markings of executive meddling as they try to follow the “make-it-fun” formula.

Suicide Squad follows the story of Amander Waller. She puts together a team of bad guys who are meant to take out meta-humans (like Superman) if they go bad. And this is where the dumbness starts. What on earth is Captain Boomerang, Harley Quinn or Deadshot meant to do against Superman.  I am not sure and the movie never bothers to try to explain it either.

Their first mission is then a self-created problem (stopping the Enchantress and her Brother). Here are where the moments that try to pull it up to mediocrity. There is a scene at a bar where the characters actually have some personality and interaction. The first fight scene shows people using their skills and abilities. And the scenes with the Brother always make him feel like a threat.

But every time that the movie threatens to find its feet and be mediocre instead of awful, you get the dumb parts. The Joker’s scenes are forever annoying. Him and Harley Quinn mostly remind me of the people that try far too hard to be eccentric, with the I’m So Random tag thrown in. El Diablo deciding he wanted to fight was unexpected and shocking. The great scene from the trailer where Harley steals a bag, stating they are bad guys, feels like it was cut and thrown in so randomly it feels like whiplash.

This all feels like it was cut to make it fun. Suicide Squad feels like a mess. Where they should have made a dark comedy movie, they tried far too hard for a fun movie. The DC Cinematic Universe once again falls over into a pile dog faeces, after everyone had such high hopes. I guess DC once again waits for the next movie before becoming at least mediocre.

1 out of 5 Suiciding Waffles.