Wednesday 25 November 2015


Keyflower is a bit of a funny game. On the surface of it, it shouldn't work. It is part worker placement, part bidding and bluffing, part city building, part resource management, part randomiser. And somehow it does, being a relatively fast paced game that combines just the right amount of these elements so that nothing feels too tacked on.

Keyflower is the story of you trying to establish your colony. Every season, new resources come in and new buildings are available to build. Players then either have the option to bid on these tiles or utilise them. Once everyone is out of moves, winning bidders get to place the tiles in their villages to be utilised and upgraded by themselves (or others) later by moving resources to them. At the end of the 4th season (winter), most points is the winner.

This game has allot of cool mechanics going on. For example, you can move your bidding pieces if you are the losing bid, and your 'secret' victory point conditions are actually things you can choose to bid on (rather than automatic bonus'). For a game with so many disconnected elements, it comes together really well.

There are only two criticisms I have with it. For the most part, the theme of the game comes through really well. However, some mechanics are (by balancing and gameplay necessity) slightly disconnected from the theme. For example, why can you utilise tiles before anyone has built them and why don't workers return after utilising opposing players tiles?

The other criticism is that if a player is prone to 'analysis paralysis', there turn can drag out. This is also true if someone is the first player, not paying attention and planning during other players turn, or if there planned move is taken away at the last minute.

However, these complaints are minor. For the most part, the artwork and elegance of the game match the theme (new workers arrive every turn). The game flows really well and their are allot of paths to victory and options you can take on your turn. The game doesn't drag with allot of players

5 out of 5 Penal Colony Waffles.